Saturday 27 July 2013

Fructose Free But With A Twist

  One Step Further

Hi everyone.................................I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason for my soujourn is that I foolishly believed no one read my blog.... so what was the point in doing it. And then recently, on finding a new friend through 'devine intervention' and her blog, I was inspired (out of curiousity) to have a look at my old blog...and.... there were messages from readers. So thank you for leaving the messages. I now know my efforts are not wasted and people actually do read my posts. And, as my new blogger friend suggested, readers please leave messages ever now and then... it is what keeps us going... a small price to pay sometimes.

So where are Ralphy and I on our weight loss journey and being fructose free. Well.... I am at my goal weight!!!! A gorgeous 20kgs loss. And Ralphy has lost 12kgs with still another 5kgs to go. But...... there has been a lot happening in the 12 months since I last posted.

To start with we both plateaued around the time of my last post and there we stayed no matter how fructose free we became. We both became very disheartened. It was like a piece of the puzzle was missing - what were we doing or not doing????? We were missing something. What were we not seeing? We certainly felt better than we had in a long time, but were still overweight. I had lost around 6kgs and Ralphy 5kgs - great but still far from our ideal weights.

Wild bush raspberries
And then we went to Tasmania for 4 weeks over Christmas, and although we didn't eat lots of sweet, sugary foods, we did indulge in the fresh and plentiful stone fruits, yummy berries and cherries, and cheeses of Tasmania and...... managed to put back on almost all the weight we had lost!!!!

Back yard red currants.... how Christmas is this!!!
Christmas morning on the waters at Lake Barrington

How easy it was to do this, and this was despite long walks daily. How heartbroken we were when we arrived home and jumped on the scales. We knew we had put a little back on but not almost all of it!!!

However for every negative there is a positive.... the law of nature, balance in the universe. And we certainly did have a positive ...... a very enjoyable, memorable trip that I wouldn't have swapped for anything spent with my sister, her family, and friends. And added to this positive was another outcome (thanks to my sister), and that was the finding of the missing piece of the puzzle.... a holy grail diet when all else fails or maybe a diet that we should have tried eons ago resulting in our not having to endure all those years of failure in successful weight loss.

I am not going to go into any great detail here but have posted links below to 2 websites that explains it well. In a nut shell, we have three types of fat stored in our bodies. One of the fats is the type found around body organs (liver, intestine and the like) and acts as a buffer or protector for these organs, stopping them from becoming bruised from knocks and bumps to our body. The second type is fat used for instant energy and circulates in our blood stream. Both of these fats are genetically programmed to be manufactured and stored at a certain concentration as such from birth. However once these levels are reached any further fat absorbed into the body is stored as the third type of fat, and this is fat required for our survival in hard times. It is fat stored in our thighs, butts, upper arms, tummy, and the like. It is also the fat that is last to be utilized by the body when needed such as when dieting or a woman is pregnant. The body will use the other fats (and certain muscle tissue) before touching this fat. This is how the body has designed itself to survive in times of famine.

So what I discovered was the HCG diet and a life style change - a Changing Habits. It is a diet involving a very restricted calorie intake and a particular regime of HCG and appetite controlled herbal drops placed under the tongue, taken daily for up to 43 days. This diet fools the body into thinking it is 'pregnant' and that there is little nutrition to feed the foetus. Now don't panic if you are a male...or female actually.... this diet is for everyone experiencing difficulty losing weight and yet doing all the right things..... and you don't get pregnant....well not because of the diet anyway!!!

After reading the links below and doing further research, I thought I would give it a go. It still advocated being fructose free as well as fat free during that time, still in agreement with David Gillespie. Ralphy was too scared to do so....I think the 'being pregnant' and reduced calorie/ fear of hunger got to him. But I wanted to try it. I had nothing to lose. Actually I had almost 20 kgs to lose!!!

So I started the diet and in 43 days lost 10kgs on the knocker!!!! And I was never hungry, tired or sluggish as I followed every part of the diet to the letter. In fact I never felt better. Lots of energy and vigour. Some of this probably stemmed from the morning weigh in. How great it was to see on average 200g to 400g loss each day. The diet did become boring at times I have to admit, but I knew it wasn't forever and kept this foremost in my mind. At the end of the 43 days, I did as suggested and  slowly introduced new foods to determine which foods my body had problems digesting. When I consumed such a food my weight jumped up around 800grams overnight. This is actually not fat but fluid/water retention from body inflammation. Stop that food and my weight dropped back down to its base weight. I discovered that my body really doesn't like copious amounts of dairy products especially milk not wheat products. It was also advised that you have a 6 weeks break from the drops regime before attempting a second round if you have further weight to lose. This I did and subsequently lost another 10kgs......I was now at MY IDEAL WEIGHT!!! (Imagine cartwheels being performed here, trumpets sounding, cannons firing!!!).

Ralphy went on the diet when he saw my results after my first round as he had being trying to lose weight his way (whilst I took the drops) and he was not getting anywhere really.... certainly not like I was. So he completed one round and lost 12kgs. We also discovered that his body doesn't like bulb vegetables such as onions and garlic, and wheat products as well. It doesn't mean he is allergic to these foods but he will get weight gain through inflammation when he does consume these foods and this is not a good thing to happen daily. However every now and then would not hurt. He will attempt a second round once winter is over to lose the balance of his additional weight....... in the mean time, he likes his hot dinners too much!!! The incredible thing is that it has been 2 months now since we both finished the drops and we haven't put any weight back on at all despite all the gorgeous, but healthy foods we have been eating. We only eat when we feel hungry and I guess we are finally really in tune with our bodies.

So....that is where we are at. It has been quite an incredible past 12 months. David Gillespie is definitely on the right track and for many who follow the fructose free diet, this may be enough to lose weight. But others, like Ralphy and I, may need to go that one step further to moving that concreted fat from our hips, legs, butt, upper arms, and tummy. My weight loss has indeed been in areas where no diet has ever succeeded before. My lymphoedemia legs have lost between 8 and 10 cms in places, my butt is much more acceptable to me, and my boobs.... well they are actually almost the same size. Yes you read correctly. For the first time in my life I haven't lost my boobs, the first place any weight loss usually shows on me. And my face is not at all drawn considering I have lost 20kgs. No.... I actually look very healthy. And this is just not my observation.

So... do you have concreted fat in hard to move places? Then I encourage you to check out the two links below and do your own research on HCG diet. Feel free to contact me if you have any queries, and I will attempt to answer if I can.

In following blogs I will post new tidbits of information I learn of, new recipes, updates on Ralphy and I and our weight maintenance/loss, and anything else that you request. So ... subscribe to my posts if you haven't already done so, and post a comment every now and then if you feel directed....I would love to hear from you.

Until then sleep tight cherubs and ....... don't let the bedbugs bite.


4 Phase Fat Elimination HCG Protocol | Changing Habits


21 day weight loss get healthy program cyndi o ... - Changing Habits